Sunday, October 26, 2008

Changes of the Season

It's now been several months using the Midget as my daily driver. It hasn't let me down yet. And even though it's "unreliable, unpractical and slow" compared to modern standards, I feel very spoiled that I get to drive it all the time. Unfortunately, it's been running even more sluggish lately. I think it might have to do with the timing. I don't think we ever fully adjusted that after the carburetor fiasco of early summer. I'm planning on setting up an appointment to get it tuned up, and if my new house duties don't monopolize my time, I really want to remove all the smog equipment this winter. It's supposed to be a relatively easy process, and I'm still convinced this has been a source of some of it's performance trouble. I should also replace the bushings on the right side of the suspension. If you remember, my Dad and I completed the left side over the summer in order for it to "pass inspection."

Nonetheless, I think I've come to the realization that I don't NEED speed. I miss the MINI greatly and it was a fantastic car, but I'd take the Midget over it any day (except perhaps in a snow storm:) And it beats paying over a grand for a new set of tires.

I'm expecting to get my new Mini mid-to-late November. And although it's a smaller engine than the Midget, I'm looking forward to the high-revving, go-cart handling fun.

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